Selling a defective car: How to get rid of your broken car
Annoying enough when the car is broken. But what should you do with a defective vehicle? Even if you don't believe it, a car that is no longer roadworthy can be sold relatively well, depending on the damage. We'll tell you everything you need to know.
Selling a car with a defect: Who buys broken cars?
Various groups of people are interested in defective cars. However, it always depends on the condition of the broken vehicle - because broken is not the same as broken. Here it depends first of all on whether the car is broken but roadworthy or no longer roadworthy. If the vehicle is no longer roadworthy, then you should deregister the car before selling it. A test drive is not possible, so this is the logical step.
If the car has had a serious accident, the only way left is usually to go to the scrap yard. In the case of minor damage, private individuals are often interested. Selling the car abroad is also an idea, defective vehicles are also welcome there. However, make sure that a deregistered car must not be parked on public property. Even a car without TÜV is virtually a defect, because you get less money for it.
Hobby mechanics in particular or trades such as workshops often buy damaged vehicles, repair them and then resell them. Of course, this has to be worth it, so the damage in this case must be limited.
Sell a broken car to dealers
Depending on the defect, you may well be able to sell your broken car to a dealer. Usually it is about whether the damage can be repaired in the dealership without much effort and money and whether the car can then be resold at a good price.
It is also possible to sell online. At Carwow, you can sell a broken car by entering all the relevant data, describing the damage in detail and, in the best case, taking meaningful pictures of it. The more accurate the description, the better the team can estimate how much you can still get for it. Dealers can then bid on your car and if you like the price, then you agree and have sold your defective vehicle.
Sell a defective car privately
Of course, you can also try to sell your defective car to a private individual. However, this could take longer, as you usually have to find hobbyists who can fix the defect themselves.
Selling individual parts often makes sense
If a sale is not possible in its entirety, or does not make sense from a financial point of view, then you can cannibalize the vehicle and sell it in individual parts. Tyres and expensive rims in particular are often in demand. The radio or accessories can also often be sold better individually.
In the end, there is still a little money when the car is recycled in the scrapyard. Here, everything that is not metal is first removed. Then the metal frame is put on the scales and the pure scrap price is calculated and paid out to you. So you have at least made up a little money.
Specialists in broken cars
There are car dealers who specialize in buying cars with defects. There you can sell your broken vehicle relatively safely.
If there is really nothing left to save, then the last stop is usually the junkyard. How much money you get here depends on the current commodity prices. In most cases, the scrap value is around 100 euros per tonne.
Selling a defective car - What do I have to consider?
The sales process is basically the same as for a functioning car. The only important thing is that you are honest from the beginning and name the damage. So you only get requests from really interested people and no one feels cheated.
How does the pick-up work if I sell a defective car?
If the defective car is no longer roadworthy, then there is either the option of having it picked up by the buyer or you can take over the transport yourself. If you have sold to a car dealership, you should clarify in advance whether the dealer can pick up your car. It is also necessary to ask whether there are additional costs for this. In the case of private sales, an individual agreement is also required.
What must be in the contract if I sell a defective car?
As with any private car sale, you should of course draw up a purchase contract when selling a defective vehicle. This hardly differs from a classic contract. In this case, it is important that it is also noted what the damage to the vehicle is, whether it is roadworthy or not and that the buyer was aware of it. If a pick-up by the buyer has been agreed, this is also a point that should be included in the contract.
The more precisely the defect can be described, the better. Otherwise, all data about the car and the person selling and buying must be included in the contract – and of course the agreed purchase price. As a private seller, you don't have to give a used car warranty.
If you want to sell an inherited car that is no longer in good condition, you definitely need a certificate of inheritance. A used car check gives everyone peace of mind.
Which defect in the car is a problem when selling?
In the case of damage that can only be repaired with expensive spare parts, you may get even more money for individual parts than for the broken car as a whole. Even with accident cars, it is always a trade-off. Try your luck with the sale of the defective car before you offer individual parts.
In any case, it is important that you name exactly what damage is present when describing your vehicle. Even if there is engine or transmission damage, because some dealers may have been able to save exactly this part of another model and then put together a functional car from two parts. Meaningful images – in this case, especially of the damage – are also helpful to speed up sales. If only the headlight is defective, you can also have it replaced before selling.
Can you sell a car with a defective transmission?
Yes, you can also sell a car with gearbox damage if you explicitly mention this damage. It will certainly not be easy to find a buyer, because the repair is very expensive. At Carwow you can put your car up for sale and declare this damage. If a dealer is interested in the car, he bids on it. However, it is probably better to contact dealers who specialize in such defects.
Can a car with a defective air conditioning system be sold?
Here it depends heavily on what exactly is defective in the air conditioning system. Normally, a car with a defective air conditioning system can usually be sold without any problems, because the repair is limited. However, if the air conditioning compressor is damaged and oil and refrigerant have leaked, other parts of the vehicle may also have been damaged. So you should first clarify what exactly the damage is in order to be able to describe it correctly when selling.
Can a car be sold with a defective timing chain?
A timing chain should not actually break, it can even entitle you to the rescission of the purchase contract. This was decided by the Brandenburg Higher Regional Court in 2019. If the timing chain of your vehicle is defective, then you should go this way first. If the purchase contract remains in place, repair costs of up to 1,500 euros are to be expected. If someone wants to pay for that, the car can of course already be sold.
Can a car be sold with a defective cylinder head gasket?
Repairing a broken cylinder head gasket will also cost you about 1,500 euros. If nothing else has been damaged on the engine, the car can continue to drive without any problems after the repair. Depending on how old the vehicle is, a repair can be worthwhile. But if you want to sell it, keep in mind that someone else will have to bear the costs and will therefore lower the price.
What is a defective car still worth?
If you want to sell a defective vehicle, then of course you can't count on the same money as with a functioning car. The price you can still get for your broken car depends mainly on the following factors:
- What defect is present?
- How old is the car?
- Which make and model?
- What is the mileage?
- Is the general condition okay?
In order to get an accurate cost estimate from a potential buyer, it is best to know the original vehicle value and the repair price. If the repair costs are higher than the value of the car, it is called an economic total loss – you will definitely make a loss here. If you sell it to a scrap dealer or hobby mechanic, the loss can be mitigated a little.